Immunization Requirements

2019-20 Requirements

View or print full schedule of requirements here


The Ohio Department of Health requires an immunization for students to begin their 12th grade year. 

All incoming seniors are require to have a Meningococcal vaccine (meningitis-MCV4).

Meningitis is a preventable disease that can lead to neurological issues, seizures, loss of limb, or death.  There is a rise in meningitis in teenagers and college freshman in dormitories.  Perhaps your child may have already received this shot and we don't have record of it. Check with your health care provider for current vaccine records.  The child must have had a Meningococcal vaccine AFTER AGE 16 to be counted for this requirement.  If your child had one MCV4 before age 16, a second shot will be needed. 

Again, this shot is a state requirement to begin the school year.  Documentation of receiving this shot is necessary to begin the school year and avoid any exclusions. Please provide this documentation to the school office (not a coach)

7th Graders

The Ohio Department of Health has added an additional immunization (total of 2) for students entering 7th grade in the fall of 2019.  Currently your child is required to get a Tdap shot (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis). In addition, your child will need Meningococcal vaccine (meningitis) A second dose of Meningococcal vaccine will be needed after age 16, before entering the 12th grade. 

In summary, both Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines are required to enter 7th grade.  Please provide documentation of these vaccines to the school office prior to August 21, 2019, to avoid exclusions. Do not give documentation to a coach. 

Thank you for your cooperation in the important matter.